Roderick Caesar III

Roderick Caesar III information 

Stop Running. Start Listening. (How Did I Get here?)

      I graduated last month from Alliance Theological Seminary with my Masters of Divinity. My 28th birthday is tomorrow, and on Sunday I will be installed as an Associate Pastor at Bethel Gospel Tabernacle. Thank you for your prayers, support and encouragement as I’ve been on this journey. It has not been easy and I could not have gotten where I am today without the help of others. A lot has happened but I am grateful that God has been faithful in this time.

      So I was talking with a friend last week and she asked the question “How did I get here?” She meant it not in a “my life is unraveling and I'm at the end of my rope, how did I get here” kind of way. But the exact opposite. For the most part things are going well. Im crushing my goals, loving life, sure I've had some setbacks and disappointments but overall I'm doing what I've got to do and couldn't be happier, How did I get here? Very important question and I think the answer lies in reflection. 

    Its crazy how time flies. I remember about ten years ago three different people in the same church service said the same thing to me. They told me to stop running. Running from my calling. Running from my purpose. Running from Responsibility. Running from God. Wanting God to chose someone else, to pastor Bethel. Anyone else. Now I know I would have been heartbroken watching someone walk into this season, knowing that it's where I should have been. So thankful that I stopped running and started listening.

    The thing about listening that we have trouble with is it often requires sacrifice. It often requires following plans that are not our own, going places we wouldn't necessarily choose to go and losing relationships we thought we’d have forever. Listening can be painful. The thing about running that attracts us is we get to hold on to what we think its best for us. We get to follow our plans, go where we want, and keep that relationship, but at what cost? We run away from God's voice clutching our plans close. Thinking that we escaped from his vision with our prized possession still in tact not realizing thatwe are on our way to shattered dreams and wasted years and pain that could have been avoided if we had only listened.

    Jonah knows a little something about running. God told him to go to Nineveh and call the people there to repent (Jonah 1:2). Only one problem. These people weren't really what we would call friendly. They were cruel and brutal to Jonah's people and here God is telling Jonah to offer them the opportunity to repent. Jonah, instead of doing Gods will, decides to act on his own desires and run. He ends up not only in a storm, but has to be thrown overboard because its revealed that his disobedience is the cause of the storm (Jonah 1:4). Not only is he thrown overboard but he eventually finds himself in the belly of a whale. No doubt he too asked, How did I get here. Those moments aren't ideal but they're necessary. The moments that cause us to reflect back and retrace our steps. Jonah's story doesn't end there but thats where we'll end for now, at the consequence of his disobedience. 

   So ask yourself. "How did I get here?" Is your "here" negative or positive. Wherever you're at reflect on the moments where you ran and the moments where you listened. Guarantee those will help you see the answer to your question.  Everyones situation is different, and at various points in our lives we all run for different reasons. I'm just glad God doesn't stop speaking. He doesn't stop giving us the opportunity to stop running, and start listening. 




God is Not Worried, He is Worthy (and Working).

    There are moments in our lives when things happen that cause us to wonder whether or not God was caught off guard. God, did you see that from afar or did it sneak past you? God, where were you when this happened? If God didn't see the event coming that means He must be worried.

    I think that for this nation the race for the presidency was one of those moments.  It polarized the nation and was a cause for great concern amongst many people. The results of the election and the inauguration of our new President seemed to even further divide the nation and cause much angst and anger within our country. I’m not saying I know everything but if there is one thing I do know it’s this - God is not worried. He’s not stressing about His children, He’s not wondering whether or not we are going to make it through the next four years or crash and burn into a hopeless oblivion.  He’s not surprised that America has chosen a man who has made some very detrimental, malicious, sexist and racist comments while running, to lead us. He is not blindsided that America was tired of the skeptical decisions and opaque statements of politicians and chose a businessman. He is not shocked that the White House will not see the first female President this year. He is not nervous, taken aback, anxious, or worried. 

God is not worried, He is worthy. Wait, worthy? Why is He worthy?

    In all honesty I believe that God is worthy because he’s Worthy. Yes, you read that correctly. His divine nature and in essence who He is demands our reverence, respect, and our worship. In light of those facts, we shouldn't be worried. Another reason this should bring us comfort instead of concern is because God is also, you guessed it - working. Now, what working means to you could vary depending on what view of Scripture you hold. One view is that God appoints all the leaders whether they be good or evil and pretty much controls their hearts to do His will. Another perspective is thatpeople chose the leaders whether they be good or bad, and decisions are made by the leader which God permits, but God can intervene and sway the hearts of those in power because He is God after all, “no one man should have all that power,” (thanks Kanye). There are other views but we will stick with those two. Whichever view you hold isn't the point of this post. The point is to let you know that God is not worried but worthy and working. That fact should alleviate your stress,right? 

      God didn't get up from his throne and take a coffee break. He didn't doze off at the wheel or take his eye off of America for a second only to come back to Trump in the White House. Neither did He leave when Obama was president and decide to come back now that Trump is in office to guide his pen as he signs a bill (both scenarios are actual thoughts by the way, people actually posted these images on their social media accounts). On the contrary God is God. That means He knows things we don’t, does things we often misunderstand and is always, always, always in control. 

      I believe our job as Christians in our local churches is to partner with what God is doing, to “work, work, work, work, work” (thanks Rihanna),to be salt and light in our neighborhoods and ultimately the nation. God is at work in our world, our nation, our communities and in our homes. No presidency is going to change that. The question is, are we willing to seek His face and labor with Him to get the work done, regardless of whether we agree or not?  I believe that laboring includes, but is not limited to, “these four major keys”( thanks DJ Khaled). 

We should Intercede

    To intercede means to intervene on behalf of another. This isn't an unfamiliar concept especially for the Believer, Jesus does this for us regularly. As believers we are called to pray for our leaders. We must take it a step further and pray for our nation, our communities our churches and our families. Prayer changes things. I know that is a cliche statement but it's true, and if we want to see change in our communities and our country, we must cry out to the LORD in prayer. 

We should be Informed

    So you know the books of the Bible, thats great! You get a gold star on your Sunday school chart and a massive bookmark to keep your place as you read through Obadiah. Unfortunately, Biblical information, though extremely important and necessary in the life of the Believer, is not what I am speaking about here. In the Bible (irony alert, thanks Alanis Morissette) there is a group of men who “were aware of the times and knew how to act.” We should know the times. It is a detriment to your faith if you remain inside the walls of your church, comfortable in your Christian bubble and ill informed about what is happening in your community and in the world. Being proficient in pop culture and all the current posts on social media will only get you but so far. The Church must be aware of decisions and changes in our society. If we are ill informed then how can we fulfill our obligation to pray strategic, specific prayers? Let us make a decision today to become a more informed people.

 We should be Involved

    In order for the Church to be the Church and not just a place to be on Sunday morning it must be a light in the community and be active in the life of the state and government. Remember those men in the Bible, they not only knew the times but knew how to act as well. Having a passion to take action is great but having a clear sense of direction before taking that step always helps. We must be prayerful, vigilant and use wisdom when being involved. Involvement may look different for different churches but the people that occupy the church must do their very best to make an impact or a difference however they can. From volunteering, to partnering with community leaders, to galvanizing people that desire to make their concerns known, the Church must not only shine inside it’s doors but outside it’s walls as well. Being involved is a major part of Jesus’ call to being salt and light and helping to facilitate healthy change within our spheres of influence is a great place to start.

 We should be Intimate

    No, not that type of intimate, crazy. Im speaking on intimacy with God. Which includes but is not limited to, praise and worship which will be the focus of this section. It is important to understand that worship is more then just good vocals and talented musicians, and praise is more then just an occasional hand clap or a shout of Hallelujah. Both of these should be an expression of the heart, a deep resolve to thank God for His blessings and honor Him for who He is, even if we see and hear something that seems contradictory. I believe that when this happens, we are showing a healthy fear of the LORD and this also shows the world that our hope is not dependent upon our circumstances. 

    So thats it, thank you for reading. My prayer is that this entry would help to dissipate any fears or worries anyone reading this may have about the current situation of our nation. Now that you’re done, do us all a favor - stop worrying realize He is worthy and get to work. God Bless you, and God Bless America. 



             I took a good look in the mirror of my soul the other day and didn't like what I saw. I realized that I had become comfortable. Worse then that, I had become accustomed to my idea of God to the point of apathy. I guess I was hungry for God, maybe I was thirsty, but it was a hunger and a thirst I knew I was allowed to have. It didn't consume me, it didn't seriously affect the way I thought or lived. I was just wanting God because thats what Christians are "supposed" to do. I could still desire God and not cry out to Him on a daily basis, I could still want God and not have an active prayer life, I could still be chasing after God and not be reading my Bible. Right? No matter how hard I tried there was no way to justify my apathy. I needed a change. I used to tell myself I hated coasting but yet here I was- kick, push, coast - like clockwork. Something had to change.

            I realized that what I was searching for was a sense of desperation. I needed to be desperate. I took a look at my life, I'm not in any obvious danger, I don't have a life threatening illness, I'm employed and my finances could use some help, but whose couldn’t? It seemed that I was rationalizing my desperation for God based upon the circumstances in my life. If things weren't going up inflames around me and I wasn't on the verge of death then that desire that I know I needed to have ended up fading away. The red flags went up and I came to the conclusion that I was thinking too highly of myself. I was reminded of what Paul says in Romans 3:23,

“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins.” 

Coming back to this fundamental truth reminded me that we are all sinners and no matter how things look on the outside at our core we are constantly in need of a savior. I felt at a crossroads like the rich young ruler in Matthew 19, I could either stay in my comfort, stick to just doing what I’m accustomed and to doing and coast my way into the kingdom, or be desperate and do something daring. I chose the latter and decided to follow the example of desperate people all  throughout Scripture. 

            I thought about what desperation looks like in the Gospels. The Paralyzed mans friends lowering him through the roof so that Jesus would heal him, the woman with the issue of blood, pressing throughout the crowd just to get a touch of the hem of Jesus’ garment, a Roman official racing to ask Jesus to heal his sick child, the blind man screaming at the top of his lungs begging Jesus to come his way, a Father sending His only Son, perfect and blameless, into the world to die so that he could be in relationship with us.  Those examples are filled with desperation and desire.  Yes, those individuals needed a change which helped fuel the desperation, but why couldn't I cultivate that desire on a daily basis?  I desire to be desperate for Jesus just as He is desperate for us. I don't want to need Him when I need something but I want to constantly be aware of my need for Him on a daily basis. I don't want to just coast. I want to desire Christ daily. I want my life to reflect that. 

         I've realized that desperate people are willing to sacrifice something. Before posting this I fasted. Not saying this to brag or say look at me, but to encourage you to be desperate for God again. If you find that is a need for you, you may have to kick it into high gear by sacrificing something.  If this post resonated with you at all, if you feel the need to abandon complacency and mediocracy in your Walk with God, if you want to be desperate, I challenge you to take the first step, any step, do something daring, do something different, dare to be desperate. 

These posts are meant to encourage, challenge, equip and inspire and help us to realize our regality in Christ.

Roderick III, Regality Realized